What's a Tech-Know Grammy?

Well Hi and Howdy-do from Tech-Know Grammy
AKA as Gail Poag Smith!

I’m a sixty-something mother of three and grandmother of 7 (ages 1,1,3,3,4,5, & 6*).  I have a passion to inspire, encourage and teach grandparents how to connect with their grandchildren, no matter where they live, across the street or across the world. My Tech-Know Grammy persona is all about "Long-Distance Grandparenting in the Digital Age”.  If you're a grandparent who would like to be closer to your children's children, please keep in touch with Tech-know Grammy on Facebook and Blogger. I promise to give you some fast and easy ways to make your grandkids think you’re more fun than Yo Gabba Gabba and cooler than ice cubes.
This here is Tech-Know Grammy on Skype and you can see how much fun I'm havin'!

I am a Jesus follower, happily married to a seminary student, a youth pastor, a senior pastor, a telephone deliveryman, an online college professor and a Conflict Resolution Specialist and they're all the same cool guy, Rick Smith!

 I have three talented kids, my best work ever, who love the Lord and his church.

I’m a transplanted Texan who's lived in the Midwest since 1976 after a brief stint in the San Lorenzo Valley area of CA. 

Formerly a singer/teacher who's gotten opportunities to teach music to young people for most of my life beginning when I was a teen, I've enjoyed being vocal director for high school musicals, churches, and in a private studio (for over 25 years.)

I currently serve the Lord in our local church teaching the all-important 3-year-old to Kindergartners and I think it’s a blessing and a blast!

I love my current job working for my friend Twila Belk, owner of Gotta Tell Somebody, Inc, developer of the Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference and personal assistant to Cecil Murphey, writer extraordinaire. I work from home, promoting books online, especially on social networking sites and it's a new adventure every day.

As for my own writing, I tend to see the world through a slightly skewed perspective, and always with a sense of humor (which can sometimes get me in trouble!). 

I love to travel, have been to London, Greece, Italy, Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Jamaica, Austria, Arkansas, Cyprus, and Germany, Canada and Mexico and most of the US.

I also love to read, especially books that are uplifting in any way. A couple of favorite books are “Jane Eyre”, “Peace Like a River” by Leif Enger, and most anything by Jan Karon or Karen Kingsbury. Recent favorites include “Heaven is For Real”, “Knowing God, Knowing Myself”, and “The Hunger Games”.

And I love the dictionary!

*ages of grandchildren subject to change with passing of time--sigh.

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